Francesca Maria Corrao

Professore Ordinario e Orientalista

Curriculum vitae

Luiss School of Government

LUISS Guido Carli SOG

Articles in print

  • “Gabrieli e la poesia araba nella gloria del tramonto: al-Mutanabbī e Ibn Hamdīs, Accademia dei Lincei in print Istituto per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino. 
  • “Juhā" the hero with a thousand faces, Humour in Arabic Litterature, ed. Kamal ‘Abd al-Malek and Bayan Rayhanova in print 
  • The Poetic of Marām al-Masrī,in Arab Women, Agents of Change and Progress, ed. Kamal Abdel Malek, in print   
  • Trame mediterranee. Prestiti e contaminazioni nella cultura e nella poesia siciliana”, in Renata Pepicelli e Daniele Mascitelli (a cura di) L’Italia e l’Islam, ed. Carocci 
  • Arab Traces in Early Italian Poems”, in Sapienza, fede e dialogo. Atti in memoria di Agostino Cilardo, UniorPress, Napoli 
  • Mediterranean Perspective: history and myths in Modern Arab Poetryin Fiction and History: the Rebirth of the Historical Novel in Arabic" a cura di M. Ruocco, R. El-Enany, S. Boustani, Istituto per L’Oriente C.A. Nallino e Annali dell’Istituto Universitario di Napoli “L’Orientale.
  • The Poetic of Marām al-Masrī,in Arab Women, Agents of Change and Progress, ed. Kamal Abdel Malek.
  • Arab Traces in Early Italian Poems”, in Sapienza, fede e dialogo. Atti in memoria di Agostino Cilardo, UniorPress, Napoli, 2021.
  • "Memory of Oblivion: Italian history and lost memory of the Arab influence in medieval Sicilyz in The Biblioteca Helvatica Romana series holded by the Swiss publishing house, in print. Schwabe:
  • “Notes on a new reading of the Mediterranean: a History of Trade, Culture and Wars”, in Corrao F.M. e Redaelli R., States, Actors and Geo-political Drivers in the Mediterranean. Palgrave in print.

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